Las contingencias en las que participan los organismos e individuos se tornan complejas a partir de la vida en grupo y de la necesidad de responder a dimensiones ambientales altamente cambiantes y cada vez menos aparentes e inmediatas. El término conducta conceptual aglutina un conjunto amplio y ramificado de comportamientos que hacen posible a los organismos de diferentes especies responder con precisión a los arreglos estimulativos complejos de su entorno.
I. Análisis operante
The evolution of verbal behavior
Verbal Behavior, by B. F. Skinner. Reviewed by Noam Chomsky.1959
The evolution of verbal behavior
Verbal Behavior, by B. F. Skinner. Reviewed by Noam Chomsky.1959
B. F. Skinner`s Verbal Behavior: A retrospective appreciation
Verbal Behavior
II. Análisis de relaciones equivalentes y marco relacional
Equivalence relations and the reinforcement contingency
Verbal Behavior
II. Análisis de relaciones equivalentes y marco relacional
Equivalence relations and the reinforcement contingency
Relational frame theory and Skinner´s Verbal Behavior: A possible synthesis
III. Análisis de campo interactivo
Interconductismo fundacional
A functional analysis of the acquisition of languaje as behavior
III. Análisis de campo interactivo
Interconductismo fundacional
A functional analysis of the acquisition of languaje as behavior
The role of verbal behavior in human learning: infant performance on fixed-interval schedules
Repeated acquisition in the analysis of rule-governed behavior
Instructions, multiple schedules, and extintion: distinguishing rule governed from schedule-controlled behavior
Effects of response variability on the sensitivity to of rule governed behavior
Equivalence classes in individuals with minimal verbal repertories
Toward a functional analysis of private verbal self-regulation
Instructions, multiple schedules, and extintion: distinguishing rule governed from schedule-controlled behavior
Effects of response variability on the sensitivity to of rule governed behavior
Equivalence classes in individuals with minimal verbal repertories
Toward a functional analysis of private verbal self-regulation